What is The Forgiveness Campaign?
The Forgive and Live Today Campaign is a movement to promote freedom through forgiveness. It is a call to action to inspire individuals, families, communities, and entities around the world to reconcile and come together.
Our Goals
Campaign Target:
Inspire 1 Million Acts of Forgiveness
Campaign Slogan:
Forgive and Live;
Letting go of the past…Living free in the present
Campaign Goals:
1. Families Restored
2. Friendships Repaired
3. Communities Strengthened
4. People Empowered
Campaign Vision:
To change the world one heart at a time.
Campaign Mission:
To bring to the forefront, of society’s consciousness, the necessity of forgiveness for emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental health.
Campaign Objective:
Travel to all 50 States in the U.S. and then extend to 50+ Countries.
Campaign Founders:
Kevin LeVar Gray & Shondale Gray
How will The Forgiveness Campaign be rolled-out?
The Forgiveness Campaign’s objective is to campaign at every level. This includes: